Creating a Facility Security Plan

Sep 21, 2021
by Julie East

From prevention to reporting, security officers have a variety of responsibilities, but the primary goal is protecting the property of the employer. These officers are frequently positioned as the first line of defense for businesses and sites against external threats, intrusion and vulnerabilities to the property and its assets. However, security officers wear many hats, and there are a number of responsibilities they must fulfill that company managers should note. While the specific responsibilities of the security officers vary by site, there are some common duties that help define the roles of these officers. Here are a few to consider:


A fixed post is a physical location like a security podium, desk or specific place to which an officer is assigned. High risk areas and access control are common uses for fixed post security officers.  A fixed post works best for office buildings, apartment complexes, gated communities, event venues, and entry & exit gates where proper credentials are required for access.


Similar to a fixed post, this designates a primary physical location for the security officer, but also requires the officer, at certain times, to leave the post and patrol different areas. Once the patrol is completed, the officer then returns to the fixed post. A modified fixed post works best for medical facilities and after-hours production and warehouse facilities. Used in conjunction with a security tracking system, the officer can “check in” at designated checkpoints. The number of checkpoints and visitation frequency must be defined, as these decisions define the patrol and officer allocation.


A roving patrol is determined by a defined area/route visited by security officers on a regular basis in a marked security vehicle (golf cart, truck, ATV, etc.). A roving patrol is best used for large retail centers, construction sites and manufacturing facilities where the officer is constantly patrolling the area, thereby becoming a visual and moving deterrent against vandalism and theft. Patrolling is one of the most important features in security. Documentation of the patrols, as well as reports on incidents, are very important to ensure the quality of security analyses and to defend the security posture of the organization/property in liability cases if and when required.


It is a good policy to define camera patrols. Areas that are made visible by cameras can function as round checkpoints. Officers responsible for surveillance will observe those areas following defined schedules and procedures. Documenting the patrol is important to keep the officer focused and productive.


Post orders are specific instructions to be followed by security officers during a shift. Post orders contain patrol procedures, emergency procedures and contacts, and basic duties including housekeeping, smoking policies, etc. Clearly defined patrol instructions prevent officers from sitting idle at a post or walking aimlessly during a patrol.  Examples of relevant post orders are:

  • Check fire extinguishers.
  • Verify credentials for entry.
  • Identify any unsafe conditions including water leaks, spills, broken equipment, etc.
  • Check for broken windows or door locks.
  • Check secured doors to ensure they are locked.
  • Check security lights to ensure they are lit and in working order.
  • Remove unauthorized persons.
  • Check security cameras.
  • Patrol parking lot for abandoned or suspicious vehicles.
  • Monitor and respond to building intrusion detection systems, alarms and fire detection equipment, video surveillance equipment, etc.
  • Bag checks / wanding for entry.


Security Officers are required to complete reports at the conclusion of their shift.  Reports give clients details from their post and/or patrols noting key facts: who, what, where, when, how and why.  Reports could include:

  • Daily Activity Reports
  • Incident Reports
  • Shift Activity Reports
  • Vehicle Inspection Reports
  • Visitor Reports

When choosing a Private Security company, check to see if they can provide a security assessment for your business site. Companies like Lofton Security Service will visit your site to learn your security needs and concerns, take a complete inventory of your current security practices and your structure, identify where any potential weaknesses may be, and help provide valuable solutions. Remember, price does not determine quality…Quality determines price.

About Lofton: Founded in 1979, Lofton Services offers clients the best of all worlds. We provide the responsive, personal service and flexibility of a small local firm while having the technology, resources, and infrastructure to deliver the benefits of the biggest players in our industry. Lofton can deliver the right people, with the right skills, right when you need them. Contact us today.